Our little shelter has been going strong since 1986. Now, we are focusing on improving what works and redesigning what doesn't. This renovation will make the good even better.

Space has always been a big issue at the Kyle location. Working with the existing footprint, we've redesigned the interior to maximize space and enable us to help more animals in need.

We love our little shelter but the fencing is downright ugly after decades of use. We are still working to gain another $20,000 to replace all of the fencing at our Kyle location.

The changes are underway in Kyle. The renovation team are starting with the outside buildings and kennels. The first step was to take our very dilapidated shed and give it a complete overhaul. This shed serves as a storage area, but more importantly, it is a space for staff to get out of the heat and cold and also spend some one-on-one time with a dog.
From there, the kennels are being stripped of fencing and work is beginning on the lighting, clean-up, insulation, and then improvements on climate control so we can have the kennels equipped with an AC/heating system. Stay tuned for more updates and pictures!
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